Top 10 Direct Mail Fundraising Myths - Part 5

By Wayne Gurley
President & Creative Director

Myth # 5: Donors who make a gift to your organization should not be asked for another gift for at least 12 months.

This is called “deciding for your donors how many times a year they’re going to give.”

But is this really a decision you should be making?

Absolutely not.

Why not let your donors decide how many times they want to give instead of just assuming they won’t want to make multiple gifts annually?

Are you embarrassed to ask them again so soon for their support? If so, you may be in the wrong profession.

If you believe passionately in your organization’s mission, then don’t be afraid to ask people for their support.

If you don’t, then step aside and let someone else do it.

It’s your job to ask. It is the donor’s job to give. And if they don’t give, it’s their decision.

But don’t make that decision for them.

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