More dollars...more donors...with “OPTIMIZED GIFT ASK”

By Wayne Gurley
President & Creative Director

For a few years now, we've been using something called "OPTIMIZED GIFT ASK" to increase the amount of money donors contribute to a direct mail solicitation.

Simply put, “OPTIMIZED GIFT ASK” combines predictive analysis with proven fundraising tactics to build an appropriate, personalized ask strategy for each donor. Amounts are calculated to upgrade donors and improve retention.

Results have been extraordinary in generating more donors and dollars for our clients.

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A recent test of "OGA" produced a stunning outcome...

A small number of donors (1,231) were split with segment A receiving OGA and segment B receiving a standard gift upgrade starting with the donors' most recent gift. Here's what happened...

OPTIMIZED GIFT ASK: 25.81% response with $14,086 income.

REGULAR GIFT ASK: 5.93% response with $4,325 income.

The difference in response was a whopping 335%. Total difference in income was $9,761 - or a 225.6% improvement!

This increase was achieved due to a MORE APPROPRIATE ASK - neither too high nor too low, but a perfectly targeted amount the donor could achieve.

Although this particular test had the effect of significantly increasing response and income, it did not necessarily affect average gift.

The difference in average gift was $62.88 (with OGA) vs. $59.25 (without OGA), a slight increase of 6%. However, the use of OGA improved cost per dollar raised with the OGA group coming in at $0.08, as compared to $0.19 with the NON-OGA group. This was a 60% improvement.

(The lower number is better than the higher number since it's a reflection of the cost to raise one dollar.)

Interested in generating more donors and dollars?

If you're interested in learning more about how "OPTIMIZED GIFT ASK" can improve your direct mail income, email Shannon Russell:

Or send questions to:

© 2021 Allegiant Direct, Inc.

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