Top 10 Direct Mail Fundraising Myths - Part 8

By Wayne Gurley
President & Creative Director

Myth # 8: Ask everyone in your office for input on your letter copy.

Limit the people involved in copy approval to no more than three people. Those three should be...

1. You (the person responsible for getting the mailing out)...

2. The person signing the letter...

3. And, if needed, someone to look at the letter from a technical perspective to ensure accuracy. (But don’t let them make changes to the letter itself.)


Most marketing people know nothing about direct mail fundraising. I guarantee they’ll want to make changes that will probably depress response.

So don’t ever allow a committee to write your copy. It’s never a good idea.

The more people involved in the process, the more time it will take for approval. Then everyone will want to make a change to justify the fact that you asked them for their input.

An elephant is a horse put together by a committee.

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