Top 10 Direct Mail Fundraising Myths - Part 10

By Wayne Gurley
President & Creative Director

Myth # 10: Make your packages colorful, creative and splashy, using as many photos as possible.

Most fundraisers think they have to use bunches of photos and lots of color in their direct mail packages.

These kinds of packages are prettier and more interesting, they say.

But in reality, if you make a package look “too busy,” it can distract a donor or prospect from your message. Consequently, it can keep them from making a gift, which is what you want them to do.

If used judiciously, photos can be helpful. But too many pictures - or having too many things for a person to focus on - can keep your donors from getting your message.

People have a “timer” in their heads, and it’s set for just a few seconds. When they first see your package, they don’t even know how much time they’re going to spend with it.

But when that internal “buzzer” goes off, that’s when your envelope and its contents go into the trash. If your readers can’t quickly discern what you want them to do, they won’t take the time to figure it out. They’ll just move to the next thing on their mental “to do” list.

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